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Tags Tabuk Fisheries KSA revenue

Tag: Tabuk Fisheries KSA revenue

5 Major Investment in KSA Seafood and Fish Feed Market: Ken Research

Buy Now Story Outline Government funds fuel KSA's seafood market growth with Vision 2030's 600,000-ton seafood production target. Foreign investments surge, like Marine Harvest's USD...

To 5 Major Players and Strategies in the KSA Seafood and Fish Feed Market : Ken Research

Buy Now Story Outline NAQUA: Leading aquaculture company in KSA, prioritizing sustainability, quality, and diversity with advanced technologies and eco-friendly practices. Saudi Fisheries: Prominent in...

KSA Seafood and Fish Feed Market Expected to Reach $900 Mn by 2027: Ken Research

Buy Now Story Outline Population growth fuels the demand for seafood, boosting the fish feed market in KSA. Economic prosperity drives preference for nutritious seafood,...

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